My Tiny Senpai or in Japanese titled “Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi” is an anime released in the Summer of 2023. This anime has ended its first season, here is the continuation of My Tiny Senpai Season 2.
The My Tiny Senpai anime is an adaptation of the Manga written by Saiso, the anime was later animated by Studio Project No.9.
The first season of the My Tiny Senpai anime was released on July 2, 2023, and finished on October 1, 2023, with a total of about 12 episodes.
The My Tiny Senpai anime also received a pretty good rating with a score of 6.91. Here is more information about the My Tiny Senpai Season 2 anime.
When Will My Tiny Senpai Season 2 be Released?
Studio Project No.9 still hasn’t announced the continuation of the My Tiny Senpai Season 2 anime.
But don’t worry through this page we will provide the latest updates regularly if one day this anime has been officially announced.
Is an anime adapted from a Manga entitled “Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi” This anime has a romcom or romance and comedy genre.
The Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi manga was first published by Takeshobo on April 3, 2029. The Manga version of this anime is still in running status until now.
The Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi manga has already been published in at least 6 Volumes.
Assuming 3 Volumes were made for the first season, it is likely that the remaining 3 Volumes will be present in the second season.
However, with the anime production process being quite long and time-consuming, it is likely that our prediction for My Tiny Senpai Season 2 anime will be present in 2025.
My Tiny Senpai Anime Synopsis
Takuma Shinozaki is a new employee who works at a company. When he works there is one thing that always makes him happy, namely the existence of Shiori.
Shiori is a senior who is very beautiful and cares about her juniors, the days when Shinozaki works are so fun with her friendly sempai.
My Tiny Senpai Characters & Voice Actors
Here are some of the characters in the My Tiny Senpai anime and their voice actors:
- Katase Shiori (Tachibana Hina)
- Shinozaki Takuma (Shin Yuuki)
- Akina Chihiro (Shimazaki Nobunaga)
- Hayakawa Chinatsu (Hanamori Yumiri)
- Shinozaki Yutaka (Komatsu Mikako)
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the possibility for the presence of My Tiny Senpai Season 2 is still open in the future.
The reason is, there is still quite a lot of story material available, and the response from the audience is also very positive.
However, the anime production process certainly takes a long time. Therefore, it is likely that the release of My Tiny Senpai Season 2 will not be done anytime soon.
While waiting for the next season, it is highly recommended to read the main manga, in order to get more detailed and interesting information that is usually not contained in the anime version, given the limited duration.
If there are any updates or official announcements regarding the My Tiny Senpai anime, the information will be announced soon through this blog.
Stay tuned!