Shirobako is an anime that was released in Fall 2014. After a dozen years of no news, here are the updates and when Shirobako Season 2 will be released.
Shirobako is an anime adapted from the original work. Then this anime was created and animated by P—a Works Studio.
The Shirobako anime itself first aired on October 9, 2014, and ended on March 26, 2015, with a total of 24 episodes.
Shirobako anime has Comedy, Drama, and Award Winning genres as well as Otaku Culture, Adult Cast, and Workplace themes.
On MyAnimeList, the anime Shirobako received a pretty good rating with a score of 8.28. Many positive reviews for this anime especially for Shirobako Season 2.
When Will Shirobako Season 2 be Released?
Unfortunately Studio P. A Works and other related companies still haven’t announced the continuation of the Shirobako Season 2 anime.
But take it easy, below we will review the Shirobako anime and whether this anime will continue or not in the future.
Shirobako is an original manga work that is generally different from anime sourced from Manga.
There are many serializations for Shirobako When the first season of the Shirobako anime was released on October 9, 2014, a few days later on September 27, 2014, Kenji Sugihara made a Shirobako Manga with the title Shirobako: Kaminoyama Koko Animation.
Unfortunately, this manga only has 1 volume, and very little information about the manga, and even after 9 years of the manga being released, it is still in a continuous status, but only 1 volume was made.
On the other hand, the novel version of Shirobako was written by Michiko Ito entitled Shirobako Introduction and Hajime Tanaka on January 27, 2015.
Our prediction, is quite unfortunate with the lack of information about Shirobako, this anime will most likely not continue into the second season and only have one season with stories that already exist in both the manga and the Shirobako novel.
Shirobako Anime Synopsis
Set in Kaminoyama High School when five friends Ema Yasuhara, Aoi Miyamori, Midori Imai, Misa Toudou, and Shizuka Sasaki discover their collective love of anime, they create an animation club.
After creating their first amateur anime together and performing it during a cultural festival, the club pledged to pursue careers in the anime industry to work together to create their works.
Two years later, Ema and Aoi managed to get jobs at the very famous production company Musashino Animation, but the others found it difficult to get the jobs they wanted.
Shizuka feels the weight of being an under-recognized voice actor, Misa has a secure but unfulfilling career designing 3D models for a car company. Midori is a student interested in pursuing her dream of becoming a story writer.
The five girls learn that the road to success is one with many diversions, but dreams can still be achieved with touch perseverance, and creativity.
Thus above are updates and updates regarding the anime Shirobako Season 2. Stay tuned for other interesting updates only at Timeture.