Fans of anime series are certainly familiar with one of the popular anime titles Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai or The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy. This anime, which captivated anime lovers, aired in 2023, with a fairly good rating. This makes fans hope for the presence of Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Season 2.
Of course, the question that is often asked is, will we see this Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai later? Let’s find the answer by reading this article thoroughly.
Will There Be Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Season 2?
Before being adapted into an anime, Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai was originally a light novel series.
This light novel is the work of Yuu Shimizu, while the anime version was produced by Passione studio.
Although the anime series Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai that aired on October 3, 2023 – December 19, 2023 has ended after 1 season with a total of 12 episodes.
The story in the light novel series still continues to this day. This has led to hopes for a sequel or Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Season 2.
There are several plausible reasons why fans of the anime Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai are expecting its continuation. The following is a summary of some of those reasons.
1. Popularity and Rating
One of the indicators of an anime’s success is its rating and popularity. If the rating is high enough, it means that the anime is indeed quality and worth watching.
This anime with the genre Action, Fantasy, Harem, Reincarnation, School was able to attract the attention of many viewers, even those who were not too fond of anime before were interested in watching Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai.
Based on the site MyAnimeList, Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai received a rating of 6.20 out of 10.
This good enough rating and popularity is already a strong enough reason to continue the sequel.
2. Available Source Material
Rating and popularity may not be the only reason for a production studio to make a sequel.
However, this Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai light novel still has enough story material to be adapted into a sequel.
3. Sales in All Sectors
The last reason that might be taken into consideration to give birth to a sequel in the anime world is its fantastic sales figures.
If the sales of manga, anime DVDs, as well as revenues from various streaming platforms show positive results, it is very likely that the anime will get a follow-up season.
With impressive sales, both the writer and the production studio will make huge profits.
This is certainly an incentive to continue the story in the next season. There is potential for even greater profits from the sequel.
When will Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Season 2 be Released?
Although there are sufficient reasons, there has been no official statement from the production studio or the manga author regarding Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Season 2.
Therefore, it is still speculation at the moment.
Loyal fans of the Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai anime remain very optimistic and hopeful for the release of the next season.
Together we look forward, hopefully there will soon be an official statement from the parties involved in this one anime project.
Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Characters & Voice Actors
Here are some of the characters in the anime Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai and their voice actors:
- Ray Crystalia Riselia (Ishikawa Yui)
- Magnus Leonis Death (Inoue Marina)
- Phillet Elfiné (Igarashi Hiromi)
- Mercedes Regina (Suzaki Aya)
- Sieglinde Sakuya (Kuroki Honoka) 5.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the possibility of Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Season 2 is still open in the future.
The reason is, there is still quite a lot of story material available, and the response from the audience is also very positive.
However, the anime production process certainly takes a long time. Therefore, it is likely that the release of Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Season 2 will not be in the near future.
While waiting for the next season, it is highly recommended to read the main light novel, in order to get more detailed and interesting information that is usually not contained in the anime version, given the limited duration.
If there are any updates or official announcements regarding this Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai anime, the information will be announced again through this blog.
Stay tuned!